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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Ricochet, by Julie Gonzalez

This one didn't catch me right at first. And then..whoa. It picked up fast. Through a series of flashbacks and kind of cryptic story lines, Gonzalez tells a story that captured my attention. I think I may have actually hung up on my boyfriend so I could finish what I was doing.

It's about peer pressure that seriously goes too far. Lives change quickly when you succumb to it, and Conner figures that out the hard way.

From the publisher's blurb...

When his best friend is killed in a game with a loaded gun, fifteen-year-old Conner finds his perceptions of himself and his relationships with his family, friends, and other people in his life changed in more profound ways than he could have imagined.

Being, by Kevin Brooks

All I can say is WOW. I've been watching this book at the bookstore since it came out. Wanting to buy it, making myself wait and see if the publisher is going to send it. Well, I got it last week..and OH MY GOSH. I read it in one night.

From the publisher's blurb...

It was just supposed to be a routine exam. But when the doctors snake the fiber-optic tube down Robert Smith's throat, what they discover doesn't make medical sense. Plastic casings. Silver filaments. Moving metal parts. In his naked, anesthetized state on the operating table, Robert hears the surgeons' shocked comments: "What the hell is that?" "It's me," Robert thinks, "and I've got to get out of here." Armed with a stolen automatic and the videotape of his strange organs, he manages to escape, and to embark on an orphan's violent odyssey to find out exactly who--exactly what--he is.

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