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Monday, April 28, 2008

Regarding a comment

I logged in this morning to find someone had left a comment on one of my book reviews. Apparently, this person thought it would be fun to let me know, with a colorful term of endearment, that he or she needed the Sparknotes for the book I'd reviewed. Let me explain why that's just not going to happen on my blog.

First..and this is important guys...the books I'm reading are often too new to have a Sparknotes package created for them yet.

Second..I have this weird feeling that maybe, just maybe, you think you need those Sparknotes for an assignment. Like, say, a book report. That you've put off until the last minute on Sunday evening and it's due Monday morning. I just have one thing to say--"N.M.P." It's Not My Problem. a teacher-librarian, I happen to think maybe you should READ a book, the whole book, when you've got to write about it. The Sparknotes are great for studying and helping to understand the themes, symbols, etc. They are not a replacement for a book.

Fourth..I love it when students give me a creative nickname. Your choice wasn't creative.

Oh..and if you're looking for Sparknotes for's a crazy one, try the website conveniently titled "Sparknotes." Who'da thunk?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conference Excitement

Start watching this space carefully. After a wonderful several days learning all kinds of new things and getting excited about lots of different technologies, things are going to get more exciting around here!

Keep an eye out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Great story

Okay, so it's several months old, but this is pretty awesome. I don't think anyone can come up with a really good excuse now.

Blogging 101 motivates students

AISDCL20 # 7--Technology Related Things...

I tend to "shop" through other people's blogs and websites. (Like when I used to go to my grandmother's house and "shop" through her pantry for a snack. Uusally AppleJacks or Twinkies. I find interesting things for my blogroll, or my feeds, or my whatever. At home, I Twitter it. At school, I book mark or email it and hope I can find it when I next have a chance to look.

Today, I thought I'd share these with you.

The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project (Google "twinkies" and this is the first hit. I would've figured I'd get the Hostess site first. That was the 3rd link.)

Over at the ReadWriteWeb, this article on e-learning 2.0 kind of explains what Web 2.0 has to do with learning and then highlights some really neat applications. (Oh yes..this was book marked for the 2.1 class).

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