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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Brian Selznick Fun

I just LOOOOOOVE Brian Selznick, and just LOOOOOOOOVE this resource from Scholastic.

Virtual Tour of the American Museum of Natural History

Annnnd the Hugo movie trailer. Can I tell you how happy it makes me that Martin Scorsese directed this one? I love (most) of his work.

And the trailer for Wonderstruck

Saturday, December 3, 2011

YA Book Challenge

Something to consider...

This probably isn't fair of me. I mean, I am a librarian at a high school, so I'm literally surrounded by YA Books. But, if nothing else, I'll enjoy keeping up with just how much I really do read. It'll be fun.

For more info checkout the challenge post at The Eclectic Bookshelf.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Book Beginnings

This week, my book at work is Misfit, by Jon Skovron. It was in the stack of returns I pulled out of the book drop this week, so I snagged it. Light reading, a little mythology, and demons....what's not to love?

Jael Thompson looks at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and frowns. She pushes back her curly black hair and stares into her green eyes so hard that the rest of her features blur.

"You know what I heard?" she says.. "That what you see in the mirror isn't what you really look like. That since mirrors flip everything, you're looking at a flipped version of your face. Like, the exact opposite."

I have to admit, the bit about the mirror makes me wonder what Jael means, but honestly, I can't say that even the first page prompted me to keep reading. The book jacket has done more of that for me--wanting to know how the demon fits in to the story. It's still early, and the reading is light. Watch for my review soon.

**Opting to participate in a weekly meme, mostly to help myself be a little more fruitful over here.

Hosted by A Few More Pages

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Groundbreaking YA Books into Movies.

No's not just Breaking Dawn and The Hunger Games that have made it to the big screen. Several other books have, as well. Check it out!

Top 15 Favorite YA-Books-Turned-Movies

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