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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

AISDCL20 #11--Web 2.0 Awards's probably cheating, but I chose to take a look at pbwiki. I already have one (well, our AISDCL2.0 wiki), so that's why I think it might be cheating.

I think it's easy--just like the name implies (easy as a peanut butter sandwich). Pretty much a point and click editor (like the AISD teacher webpages). The updated version looks snazzier, and is just as easy to work with.

I'm involved in ALL kinds of Nings (which is social networking without the MySpace stigma).

Texas School Librarians

TeacherLibrarian Network


Web 2.0 For Teachers

Progressive Educators

Nings are just a great networking thing, that's tied into a subject/them specific thing. They're easy to navigate and are great ways to collaborate and generate ideas and discussion.

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