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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What I've been doing lately...

SO..I've been looking around lately at different websites. I look for things that have an education bend to them. Or could be educational. I am, afterall, in a school library and my #2 job is to support my teachers. (If I have to explain my #1 job, well.)

Every so often, I put together a page or 2 of sites that I think can be really useful. Today, I'm going to cheat and give you my most recent "Sites to See."

Free Technology for Teachers Great blog with lots of good information. Just browsing it turned on my brain. This one an Edublogs 2008 award for “Best Resource Sharing Blog”.

Webspiration If you’ve used Inspiration or Kidspiration mind-mapping/graphic organizer software, you’ll quickly see how neat this is. It’s just Inspiration online, making it easy to work on something at home or have students work on something and send it to you. Better still, it’s FREE right now because it's still in beta-mode. (Inspiration is $69 for one computer, which means you either buy 2 copies OR you choose to only use it at home or only at school).

Chemistry Comes Alive Video collection of chemistry demonstrations from the Journal of Chemical Education. Chemistry stuff is one of my personal guilty pleasures (which makes me sound like a nerd..I need new guilty pleasures.) and this collection of videos has some violent reactions.

Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection (from the UT-Austin Library) Digital collection of maps available and links out to other places to find maps. Many are interactive.

This last one doesn't really have a lot to do with anything we do on my campus, educationally. However, we are at the top of a weight loss challenge on our campus. The winning team gets money at the end. Well, I know I have no discipline for stuff like this. I like food too much, and have more than once found myself finishing off a can of Pringles I just opened but not really remembering eating them (I guess the old saying is true, you know.."once you pop, you can stop").
Anyway, this partner site is pretty neat. With a few bits of info, it told me how many calories I should be eating to lose my goal of 2 pounds per week. THEN, I can chart every bite I take and every calorie over and above my daily routine that burn (I believe that's called "exercise"). I did share it with my co-workers in this week's "Sites to See."
The Daily Plate
My friend, Bryan, a trainer in another life, turned me on to this site. It’s really REALLY helping me with this diet thing. Check it out. I’ll even let you look at my info you want.

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