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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Every few weeks, I put together a list of websites that I think my teachers may find interesting or useful in their classes. I call it my.

Global Rich List
Compare your income with the rest of the working world. You'll be surprised how well off you are, and what just a small amount of your income could do in other places around the world.
I'm the 59,029,289 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are!
"A compendium of the world's wonders, curiosities, and esoterica." This is just really interesting to browse. This month they are featuring Detroit, MI. There are some AMAZING pictures from the early 20th century as well as historical information. I was utterly entranced.
More study guides and study strategy information than I've ever seen in one place. I've even found some to help with my own projects.
I've always been fascinated by public works of art, on buildings and such. This site helps you find some truly beautiful images around the world. It'd be a great way to talk about the cultural of a region.
A non-profit honoring "people who have the courage to stick their necks out for the common good."  Basically, these are people of good character doing the right thing for the right reasons. Giraffes are spot-lighted frequently and there is curriculum for school-age children to teach them about being a Giraffe Hero.
Collection of clip-art originally found in DK books. This can be used by students and teachers alike, without fear of copyright infringement.

Hundreds of photographs from the Smithsonian Office of Imaging and Photographic Services which can be used by teachers and students.

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