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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blind Hope: an Unwanted Dog and the Woman She Rescued, by Kim Meeder & Laurie Sacher

An unwanted dog. An emotional rescue. Two lives forever changed. 

Laurie's dreams had been shattered before she came to work at Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch—the ranch of rescued dreams—where broken horses and broken children encounter healing every day. In an attempt to soothe her aching soul, Laurie reached out to save a dog in need. And she soon began to realize that the dog was rescuing her.

An inspiring true story told through the engaging voice of Kim Meeder, Blind Hope reveals poignant life lessons Laurie experienced from her ailing, yet courageous canine friend. Despite the blindness of her dog—and her own heart—Laurie uncovered what she really needed most: authentic love, unconditional trust, and true acceptance, faults and all.

As Laurie and her dog, Mia, both learned to follow the lead of a master they couldn’t see, Laurie discovered the transforming power of God’s grace even for imperfect and selfish people—and she experienced a greater love than she had ever known.

“Love is a bridge that stands firm through difficulties and connects one heart directly to another, not because of how it looks, but because of what it is.” --Kim Meeder, Blind Hope

Abused animals are rescued daily, desperately searching for basic love and care. Rarely do we expect to find that the human rescuer is, in fact, "rescued" by the animal they have saved. It's the same idea as realizing that our "pet" is truly a family member that can never be replaced.

Laurie and Mia are a pair that cannot be separated. After rescuing Mia from a home that had so many problems that an under-nourished dog was the mildest of them, Laurie carefully nurses Mia back to health and life. Only as time went on and Mia was faced with new challenges, did Laurie realize that Mia was teaching her about life and nursing her back to emotional and spiritual health.

Mia is amazing, teaching not only Laurie but others to trust in your unseen Master, for a loving one never steers you wrong. It's a story of a woman in need of rescuing finding her self in God's love as she saves a dog. Acceptance and pure love are at the heart of Laurie and Mia's story.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this galley from Waterbrook Multnomah through the Blogging for Books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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