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Thursday, May 2, 2013

REVIEW: Identity Theft, by Anna Davies

Identity Theft (Point Horror)

Hayley is going to have the best year ever. After years of careful planning, she's ready to serve as student council president AND editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Ivy League, here she comes!
However, just before student council elections, someone creates a fake facebook profile for Hayley and starts posting inappropriate photos and incriminating updates. It must be the work of a highly skilled Photoshopper, but the attention to detail is scary. The embarrassing photos of "Hayley" in her bathing suit reveal a birthmark on her back--a birth mark Hayley has never shown in public. . . .

The situation escalates until Hayley's mother reveals some shocking information. Hayley isn't an only child: She has a twin sister who was adopted by a different family. And that's not all. Soon, Hayley discovers that her long-lost sister isn't just playing a prank--she's plotting to take over Hayley's life . . . by any means necessary. I was totally expecting a formula. Definitely thought I'd read this story line once before, and frankly heard about it on the news or FB horror stories. 

I was wrong. This is such a DIFFERENT twist than what I'd thought. And these twins are not Parent Trap twins...oh NO. 

It took a little bit for this story to find and sustain a "groove." And it's full of pop culture references, which might make it a bit dated in a hurry. Maybe not. One can never tell. It does remind me of the "horror" novels I read as a tween/early teen that were that formulaic model, but it redeems itself in being a new twist.

Predictable characters (despite the not-so-predictable story line), with Hayley coming across as whiney and no one believing her. But really, who would believe all this? I just didn't like the whiney-ness, but that might work for others.

It's a good, quick read for girls who like this sub-genre. I'd hand it to my casual readers, not my critical readers.

What do you think??

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this ebook galley from Scholastic (Point) through the netGalley publisher/reader connection program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

1 thoughts:

achma khatun said...

As the story progresses it becomes darker, with characters turning on Nate and the relationship between him and old adventuring friend Elena Fisher being more strained than ever.

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