This book was a fun, quick read. It's not particularly deep and doesn't require a lot to keep up with it.
Which is good and bad. I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but this cover (and the premise) made me think there'd be more than what I got.
You get that Lucy is supposed to be strong-willed and simply just strong after the life she lived with her mother. But she's too often flighty and passive about her situation. I mean...someone wants her dead and it might be the father she never knew before.
None of the characters seemed particularly well-developed to me and I felt like I'd been plopped in to the middle of their lives, rather than introduced to them and being part of the story. Sort of like picking up a soap opera in the middle of season 6 and never watching the first 5 seasons. The learning curve was a bit steep.
Speaking of soap operas, the writing style felt like that. Frequently, Gruber jumped from scene to scene without any cohesiveness--why was this happening now?
It has a lot going for it, it really just needs to be better polished.
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