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Friday, February 8, 2008

Oo...a hack!

Hey, did you guys notice the NavBar is missing from the top of my page here? I learned a new trick!

The question came up after the AISD Classroom Learning 2.0 organizational meeting, specifically about removing that pesky navbar. I have it pulled from one of my personal blogs, purely for stylistic reasons. However, I don't use a Blogger layout on either of those blogs (again, for stylistic reasons. Not one of those templates they offer looks like me. And that would be the point, right? Find one that just says me.)

Anyway, pulling the navbar off of this blog is more about limiting the possibility of hitting inappropriate materials by clicking in my blog. My students do look at this--to see what it is that I'm reading and doing technology-wise.

If you'd like to do the same thing, check out this post at the blog "The Real Blogger Status."

4 thoughts:

Grendel said...

Interesting. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

tell me how you get to the sign in with the nav bar gone...I am sure there is a way and you probably know it! thru your profile maybe?

Anonymous said...

tell me how you get to the sign in with the nav bar gone...I am sure there is a way and you probably know it! thru your profile maybe?

Jen said...

Hm..I just have it bookmarked. But it shouldn't be that obvious, huh? I'm not sure what to say here. Any ideas?

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