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Saturday, November 1, 2008

30 Days....Day One

I'm officially 3 days behind (and counting) on the "30 Days to Being a Better Blogger" challenge that Steve Dembo (lovable teach42) suggested/dreamed up last week. I'm all about it. I know I'm not a great blogger, and I know I'm not a consistent one, which seems to defeat the purpose to me sometimes.

So, here I am. I'm going to bump out all these posts and get caught up. Be watching a space somewhere on this page for news of the wiki that some others and I volunteered to scratch together for Steve.

The "about" page.

I've never had one. Blogger doesn't really lend itself to one (although Dembo pointed out a work-around for that. I just can't look at it here at school, so I can't tell you if it works or not. I'll get to that this evening.)

So, I guess my first job is to set about getting one set up. I imagine this will (as everything seems to) me deciding to completely revamp the look of my blog. No biggie.

I'll update in a little while, and let you know how things go.

UPDATE: Okay, a day later..I've managed to at least update my Blogger profile. Does that count? I say YES!

1 thoughts:

Linda704 said...

Hi! I'm also doing 30d2bbb. Found you through the pbwiki, and so glad I did. Love your pups! The live stream is a real treat I have 3 pomeranians. My blog It's an education blog, and doesn't lend itself to some of the things suggested by Steve, but I'm doing what I can. I was an elementary media teacher for 5 years and loved it--that position serves my well in my current job as literacy coach. :-)

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