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Monday, February 7, 2011

This Girl is Different, by JJ Johnson

Evie is her mother's child, which is to say that Evie is far from the typical high school senior. Having been home-schooled all her life by her social activist/hippie mother, Evie has decided to try a traditional high school setting for her senior year. It's as much out of curiosity as it is an experiment. And, she does learn what high school is like, the good, the bad, and the indifferent.

The whole experience is so much more than she expected. Fortunately, she starts the first day with a new friend and a budding romance. She also starts it with detention before the day is over. Evie realizes that the fairness she thought would be inherent isn't at all. She and her friends start a campaign for social justice, anonymously, but soon lightning strikes with the important lesson of what happens when your campaign comes back to bite you in the butt.

Well-written, thought-provoking, and honestly one of the few good books I've read about someone really trying to enact change in high school and succeeding in ways that aren't anticipated and with help from the unlikeliest of sources. This is is Social Justice 101, but it's also "Learning to Survive High School 101" and "What Assuming Gets You 101." It's a story that can speak to every high school student, whether they conform or not. For a debut book, Johnson has hit the mark.

Johnson, J.J. This Girl is Different. Peachtree Publishers, April 2011.

I received a free digital copy of this title through NetGalley, in exchange for my agreement to review to review it.

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