Open Culture has a listing of 500 FREE online courses from top universities. A lot of these could be great for sharpening a teacher's own knowledge/skills, helping students prep for AP courses, or adding some information to your lessons. Or maybe you're a nerd like me and just want to learn stuff all the time. :)
Google Art Project
http://www.googleartproject.com/ This one is so interesting. It's a digitized gallery of over 150 collections from 40 countries. Search by museum/collection, artist, or the image itself. THEN, create your own "gallery" for a specific purpose, like this one that represents math in art. Use this to add some dimension to a lesson OR have students create their own galleries depicting historical time periods or themes.

Okay, I've know about Crash Course for a long time. See, I love John Green. I met him at TLA one year, and recommend his books to everyone I've ever known. John has put together a series of history videos in Crash Course. these are 10-15 minute videos that give a wonderful overview of basic history and has been steadily adding science videos as well. A few have some innuendos in them, so check them out BEFORE showing them in class.

Use this online app (free account) to put together a fake Facebook wall/conversation. Like this one, on Romeo Montague's wall. Hmmm....a check for understanding about literature or history? There's also a tiny little search button on the bottom right of the first page, where you can search for something that could be used as a focus or lesson introduction. Again, just check them out first.
Vocal Nation Anthems
With the Olympics coming up, we'll hear the national anthems for participating countries. This YouTube channel has more than 300 recordings of anthems, both with and without vocals.

In particular, the National Geographic channel. http://www.snagfilms.com/films/browse/category/national_geographic
75 full-length documentaries produced for and by National Geographic. These are AWESOME. Nearly no buffering time on our school network and THEY ARE THE FULL VERSION. Oh..and FREE. FREE. Let me say that again, FREE.
There's also an iPad app for SnagFilms, which makes me happy!
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