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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Death of a Kleptomaniac, by Kristen Tracy

At sixteen, Molly is a girl who's just started living-at last she's popular. But for a girl who has everything, Molly feels like she never has enough. So she steals. At least there's plenty of time to fix this last little problem. Except Fate has other plans for Molly. Like death.

Suddenly dead and in denial, how can Molly move on when life was just looking up? Can she abandon her earthly ties or will she jeopardize her soul to stay close to her loved ones?

Odd little story. And really, it's predictable.

Molly suddenly dies at 16 (though the how of that was a little bit of a surprise), just when her life seems to be looking up and looking good. She's got the hottest guy interested in her, but she's also starting to realize that the "IT" guy isn't necessarily the one you want.

So when she suddenly dies and doesn't exactly take it well, can imagine. She begs, pleads, bargains. And then accepts that nothing will change that particular fact, but she could change where her soul exists for eternity, couldn't she?

See? Predictable. While I can't immediately recall a name, I know I've read this story/seen this movie before. I knew going in what the gist would be, but really hoped that the "kleptomaniac" aspect would be better utilized and make the story...different. But frankly, the scenes after Molly dies in which it's addressed feel almost like they were added because "oh yeah, that title thing" or, the title was based on a secondary issue, not the primary one.

Overall, though, it's good quick read. Not too heavy, but not too fluffy. I can think of quite a few students I'd hand this to, who wouldn't agree with my review at all--and that's a good thing. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this ebook galley from Disney-Hyperion through the netGalley publisher/reader connection program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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