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Friday, January 4, 2013

Looking for a few good readers...

So, if you pay attention to my blurb at the bottom of every review, you'll notice I get a lot of my books as galleys (i.e. pre-publication copies) from NetGalley. I'm able to peruse what's available through their system, and request the opportunity to read and review titles. It's a lot of fun, and I get to share some neat things now and again.

Mr. Mean Old Library Teacher (+Jeremy LaRowe ) appreciates that I get these galleys for free and not via the checkbook. :)

I've decided to share my galley love with some teen readers. I'm looking for people who love YA literature and want access to pre-publication books and are willing to write honest reviews, like what I do here.

There will be a separate blog for these reviews, and all reviews are subject to editing, by me. So you know, I will only edit for clarity and grammar/spelling. Your thought are yours.

If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please contact me via email:

meanoldlibrary teacher   @   gmail   dot   com


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